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Camp Taiwan
Our Camp Taiwan trip!
I am writing to you from our Camp Taiwan trip! It is a bit rainy, but that has not stopped our courageous HIA students and faculty members from participating in all of the outdoor activities. Our HIA Lion Pride is currently rotating between ziplining, climbing, shooting arrows, tracing the river, and playing leadership team games. Amidst the gentle sound of rainfall in the valley, I can hear them talking, laughing, cheering each other on, and every so often, I hear a scream as a brave Lion ziplines across the treetops. We certainly got wet but we grew stronger and braver; our students challenged themselves, in spite of the rain, growing their confidence and grit. Thank you sincerely for supporting this amazing student trip, HIA parents!
HIA全體教職員工生正在Camp Taiwan進行兩天一夜的戶外探險!雖然首日天空冒著雨,但這並未阻止我們勇敢追尋與探索的心。HIA Lions目前正在滑索、攀岩、射箭、溯溪以及團隊遊戲。在山谷輕柔的雨聲中,我們可以聽到學生們彼此交談、彼此歡笑、彼此勉勵,偶爾還能聽到一聲來在樹梢間滑索時令人振奮與歡愉的尖叫聲。在這兩天中,我們確實淋濕了,但我們變得更強壯、更勇敢;儘管下雨,我們的學生挑戰自己,培養了信心和毅力。HIA非常感謝各位家長對這次令人驚嘆的學生之旅予以支持!
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