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🌟Exciting news!🌟

🌟Exciting news!🌟

Today marks our school's first AP Exam Administration, with Charlie Hsu (G10) bravely tackling the AP Precalculus exam. Let's root for Charlie and our upcoming AP test-takers! On Wednesday, it's our class's turn for the AP Computer Science Principles exam. Wishing all our students the best of luck as they showcase their skills! Stay tuned for updates and join us in celebrating our students' achievements filled with Lion PRIDE! 🦁🍀 


HIA在今天舉行了第一次AP考試,G10 Charlie Hsu同學挑戰了AP微積分先修課程,讓我們為Charlie Hsu和即將參加AP考試的HIA學生們加油。修讀AP Computer Science Principles的同學將在週三參加考試,預祝所有同學發揮所學,取得理想成績。




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