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C&C PoL Showcase
Character and Community Learning Showcase
As the semester concludes, HIA warmly invited parents to our Character & Community Learning Achievement Showcase. This event provides students with the chance to exhibit their unique talents and perspectives on some global issues based the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We remain grateful and honored to have Ms. Jolyn Chia, a Harvard University graduate, as our Keynote Speaker, offering valuable insights. Join us at HIA to celebrate your child's learning achievements.
隨著學期接近尾聲,HIA感謝各位家長參加Character & Community學習成果展,展覽內容涵蓋多個聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)的全球性議題,透過此次活動學生們能展現其獨特的才能和觀點並分享學習成果。
在學習成果展之前,HIA很榮幸邀請到哈佛大學畢業生Ms. Jolyn Chia蒞臨本校為學生與家長做經驗傳承,歡迎您親臨HIA,一同分享孩子的學習成果,期待未來能見證更多學生在追求可持續發展目標的旅程中繼續煥發光彩,為社會帶來更多的正向影響。

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